Remote Circulation File Names

When you are done performing a remote circulation and preparing the data file, regardless of the Destiny product, you are ready to upload the files to Destiny.

Important: Be sure to upload the data file to Destiny as soon as possible to keep the circulation data in Destiny current.

File Naming Convention

The file naming convention that Follett Remote uses is labeled by the type of circulation and date, as follows:

  • Library Manager LibraryCirculation<yearmonthday>.txt
  • Resource Manager ResourceCirculation<yearmonthday>.txt
  • Textbook Manager TextbookCirculation<yearmonthday>.txt
  • Media Manager MediaCirculation<yearmonthday>.txt

example: You perform a remote library circulation on 05/29/2020. The file that Follett Remote creates is named: LibraryCirculation2020-05-29.txt.

Example of an Offline Circulation text file:

(checkout command code)
(patron barcode)
(copy barcode)
(checkout command code)
(patron barcode)
(copy barcode)
(copy barcode)
(checkin command code)
(copy barcode)
(copy barcode)
(copy barcode)
(copy barcode)