Excuse Fines

The Excuse Fines sub-tab of the Update Patrons page lets you globally delete fines and refunds.

You can:

  • Delete library, textbook, patron, resource fines or refunds by grade level or graduation year.
  • Excuse fines of all types, such as Damaged, Overdue, Lost and User-defined.

    Note: Consider excusing fines at the end of the school year if you do not expect to collect any more money.

  • Delete fines and refunds for just your patrons, or include patrons of other schools who borrowed your materials.

    Note: Resource-only sites do not have patron fines.

  • Limit the fines or refunds you delete to a certain range of values.

Important: Excusing or deleting fines cannot be undone. This process only deletes fines assessed at your school.

To excuse or delete fines:

  1. Select Admin > Update Patrons > Excuse Fines sub-tab.

    Update Patron page Excuse Fines sub-tab

  2. Use this table to fill in the fields:
    Use this field to...

    My site's outstanding

    Select fines you want to delete.
    With a value from ___ to ___Limit the deletion to a range of fine amounts you enter in the fields.
    Associated with

    Use the drop-down to either:

    • Delete fines for any patron with fines at your site.
    • Delete fines for only your patrons.

    Limit the fine deletion to patrons by grade or graduation date. From the drop-down, select either:

    • Grad Year, and enter the year in the next field.
    • Grade Level, and enter the level in the next field.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. When the confirmation message appears, click Yes. The Job Manager displays the Excuse/Delete Fines job.

    Note: Destiny displays Fine Deleted or Refund Deleted in each patron's Fine History for fines and refunds deleted through this process.

Job Summary

For each Excuse/Delete Fines job, Destiny generates a Job Summary showing a total count of fines and refunds that were deleted or excused. It lists each, including:

  • Fine or refund type
  • Amount
  • Patron name
  • Patron barcode.