Set preferred Follett Classic textbook prefix to T

By design, Follett Classic (seven digits or fewer) barcode numbers have the following prefixes that identify the type of record:

  • P<space> designates a patron
  • T<space> designates library materials
  • X<space> designates textbooks.

If your textbooks have barcode numbers with a T prefix, select this checkbox to have Textbook Manager recognize them as textbook barcode numbers.

After you select this checkbox, Destiny includes the "T" prefix when it automatically assigns Follett Classic barcode numbers to textbooks. Textbooks that are added as part of an import may have a different symbology.

Barcode Searches

This setting also affects barcode searches when the prefix is not specified.

Example: Searching for 12345 is seen as T 12345 when this option is selected. Searching for 12345 is seen as X 12345 when this option is not selected.

When searching the district database for 12345, however, the prefix is assumed to be X, regardless of this setting. If you want to search for T 12345, you must include the prefix.

Similarly, when receiving textbooks, Follett Classic barcode numbers that you enter or upload are assumed to have an X prefix, unless a T prefix is specified in each barcode number.